Thursday, 13 November 2014

Top 30 Hive Interview Questions

1.What is Hive Shell ?

The shell is the primary way that we will interact with hive by using hiveql commands.In other words shell is nothing but a prompt which is used to enter the Hiveql commands for interacting the Hive shell

2.How we can enter into Hive shell from normal terminal ?

just by entering the hive command like ‘bin/hive’

3.How we can check the hive shell is working or not ?

After entered into hive shell just enter another Hiveql command like ‘show databases;’

Is it necessary to add semi colon (;) at end of the Hiveql commands ?

Yes,We have to add semicolon (;) at end of the Hiveql every  command.

Wednesday, 12 November 2014

Top 60 Hadoop Interview Question

1. What is Hadoop framework?
Ans: Hadoop is an open source framework which is written in java by apache software foundation.This framework is used to write software application which requires to process vast amount of data (It could handle multi tera bytes of data). It works in-parallel on large clusters which could have 1000 of computers (Nodes) on the clusters. It also process data very reliably and fault-tolerant manner.

2. On What concept the Hadoop framework works?
Ans: It works on MapReduce, and it is devised by the Google.

3. What is MapReduce?

Ans: Map reduces is an algorithm or concept to process Huge amount of data in a faster way. As per its name you can divide it Map and Reduce.
• The main MapReduce job usually splits the input data-set into independent chunks. (Big data sets in the multiple small datasets)
• Reduce Task: And the above output will be the input for the reduce tasks, produces the final result.
Your business logic would be written in the Mapped Task and Reduced Task. Typically both the input and the output of the job are stored in a file-system (Not database). The framework takes care of scheduling tasks, monitoring them and re-executes the failed tasks.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Hive Hbase integration

Hive Hbase integration


The Apache Hive ™ data warehouse software facilitates querying and managing large datasets residing in distributed storage. Hive provides a mechanism to project structure onto this data and query the data using a SQL-like language called HiveQL. At the same time this language also allows traditional map/reduce programmers to plug in their custom mappers and reducers when it is inconvenient or inefficient to express this logic in HiveQL.


Use Apache HBase when you need random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data. Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, non-relational database modeled after Google's Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data by Chang et al. Just as Bigtable leverages the distributed data storage provided by the Google File System, Apache HBase provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Hadoop and HDFS.


NoSQL vs. SQL Summary

One type (SQL database) with minor variations
Many different types including key-value stores, document databases, wide-column stores, and graph databases
Development History
Developed in 1970s to deal with first wave of data storage applications
Developed in 2000s to deal with limitations of SQL databases, particularly concerning scale, replication and unstructured data storage
MySQL, Postgres, Oracle Database
MongoDB, Cassandra, HBase, Neo4j
Structure and data types are fixed in advance. To store information about a new data item, the entire database must be altered, during which time the database must be taken offline.
Typically dynamic. Records can add new information on the fly, and unlike SQL table rows, dissimilar data can be stored together as necessary. For some databases (e.g., wide-column stores), it is somewhat more challenging to add new fields dynamically.
Vertically, meaning a single server must be made increasingly powerful in order to deal with increased demand. It is possible to spread SQL databases over many servers, but significant additional engineering is generally required.
Horizontally, meaning that to add capacity, a database administrator can simply add more commodity servers or cloud instances. The database automatically spreads data across servers as necessary
Development Model
Mix of open-source (e.g., Postgres, MySQL) and closed source (e.g., Oracle Database)
Supports Transactions
Yes, updates can be configured to complete entirely or not at all
In certain circumstances and at certain levels (e.g., document level vs. database level)
Data Manipulation
Specific language using Select, Insert, and Update statements, e.g. SELECT fields FROM table WHERE
Through object-oriented APIs
Can be configured for strong consistency
Depends on product. Some provide strong consistency (e.g., MongoDB) whereas others offer eventual consistency (e.g., Cassandra)

Saturday, 8 November 2014

NoSQL Introduction


A large section of these data is handled by Relational database management systems (RDBMS). The idea of relational model came with E.F.Codd’s 1970 paper "A relational model of data for large shared data banks" which made data modeling and application programming much easier.

Traditional relation database follow the ACID Rules

A database transaction, must be atomic, consistent, isolated and durable. Below we have discussed these four points.
  • Atomic : A transaction is a logical unit of work which must be either completed with all of its data modifications, or none of them is performed.
  • Consistent : At the end of the transaction, all data must be left in a consistent state.
  • Isolated : Modifications of data performed by a transaction must be independent of another transaction. Unless this happens, the outcome of a transaction may be erroneous.
  • Durable : When the transaction is completed, effects of the modifications performed by the transaction must be permanent in the system.